Daily Program
Good Morning ABF: Tagesprogrammvorstellung
Topic: Vanlife
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
Get Your Kicks: 99 years of travelling on Route 66
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Mission to Marsh Umbau Update am Fahrzeug
Topic: Vanlife
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
TARUK: Uganda & Ruanda - Gorillas & Schimpansen
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
TV Praxis Altbau
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
Aranui 5 - mit dem Frachtschiff durch die Südsee
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Maren Brenneke
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
DIY-Selbsthilfe unterwegs: unsere Ausrüstung für kleine Ausfälle im Van
Topic: Vanlife
Kim & Philipp Lohde
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
Hochbeete machen es möglich - Gärtnern auf kleinstem Raum
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Nadja Krause
Garden Forum
Hall 22, booth A02
Pancakes, fruity with maple syrup
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
BBQ Tina
Grill Show
Hall 22, booth F59
Sparsamer und effizienter: Wie kann ich die Heiz- und Gebäudetechnik in meinem Eigenheim optimieren?
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Stefan Leffers
proKlima - Der enercity-Fonds
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
TARUK: Vietnam, Kambodscha & Laos - Der Zauber des Mekong
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Utah - Red Rock Wonderland
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Interview: Arne Habekost - ADAC Fahrsicherheits-Zentrum Hannover-Laatzen
Topic: Automobile
Hall 26, booth C36
Nova Scotia: A round trip along Canada's Atlantic coast
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
SCHÖRNIG REISEN: Die Königsklasse aus Hannover - europaweite Busreisen
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Willy Gräske
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
TARUK: Costa Rica - Naturerlebnis Dschungel pur & Vulkane
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Frühling - blütenreicher Saisonauftakt
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Nadja Krause
Garden Forum
Hall 22, booth A02
Energieeffizienz im Gebäudebestand
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Paula Eckermann
Energie-Beratungs-Zentrum Hildesheim GmbH
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
Explore Rocky Mountaineer in Canada and in USA
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
LIFECYCLE Mitmach-Workout
Topic: Outdoor & Fitness
Fitness Arena 2025
Hall 26, booth A45
Mission to Marsh Camper-Upgrade - Schwerpunkt Elektrik
Topic: Vanlife
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
TARUK: Kenia & Tansania - Masai Mara und Serengeti
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Urlaubs-Bingo mit MICHAEL THÜRNAU
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Michael Thürnau
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
Canadian bison flank steak
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
BBQ Tina
Grill Show
Hall 22, booth F59
Liparische Inseln - Tanz auf den Vulkanen
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Sibylle Janssen
Siabella ...natürlich reisen!
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
TARUK: Südafrika - Von Johannesburg bis Kapstadt
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Yukon: Adventures under the Midnight sun and aurora borealis
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Der summende Garten
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Nadja Krause
Garden Forum
Hall 22, booth A02
Interview: Frank Glaubitz - Avacon Netz GmbH
Topic: Automobile
Hall 26, booth C36
klein aber fein - anders wohnen
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Frank Melchior
Energie-Beratungs-Zentrum Hildesheim GmbH
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
Mut zum Alleinreisen: Ängste überwinden, Freiheit genießen und Gleichgesinnte treffen
Topic: Vanlife
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
San Antonio: Where history comes comes alive and pleasure senses
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Tansania und Sansibar - auf Safari am Fuße des Kilimandscharo
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Maren Brenneke
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
TARUK: Namibia -¿Von Fischfluss-Canyon bis Etosha-Pfanne
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Eine kulinarische Reise durch Südostasien
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Christian Schwuchow
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
TARUK: Botswana:¿Safari-Paradies mit Okavango Delta & Chobe
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Willkommen in Neufundland & Labrador, Neubraunschweig, Neuschottland & Prinz Edward Insel
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Der pflegeleichte Garten - Pflanzenfülle mit kleinem Aufwand
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Nadja Krause
Garden Forum
Hall 22, booth A02
KENIA Safari und Abenteuer pur
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Günther Schneider
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
Kurzurlaub Bretagne
Topic: Vanlife
Manuel Lemke
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
Solare Energieversorgung für Wohngebäude, Umsetzung und Förderangebote
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Matthias Littwin
proKlima - Der enercity-Fonds
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
TARUK: Island - Insel aus Feuer und Eis
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Western Canada by hire car or motorhome
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Interview: Lukas Kahle - Autohaus Kahle
Topic: Automobile
Hall 26, booth C36
TARUK: Costa Rica - Naturerlebnis Dschungel pur & Vulkane
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Urlaubs-Bingo mit MICHAEL THÜRNAU
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Michael Thürnau
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
Utah - Red Rock Wonderland
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Vegetarian: Poutine - the Canadian snack classic
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
BBQ Tina
Grill Show
Hall 22, booth F59
Wasser sparen im Garten
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Nadja Krause
Garden Forum
Hall 22, booth A02
Die gebrauchte Immobilie und der Sanierungsfahrplan
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Frank Melchior
Energie-Beratungs-Zentrum Hildesheim GmbH
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
LIFECYCLE Mitmach-Workout
Topic: Outdoor & Fitness
Fitness Arena 2025
Hall 26, booth A45
Mission to Marsh
Topic: Vanlife
Ann Christin & Alex Kornelsen
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
Nova Scotia: A round trip along the Canadian Atlantic coast
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Sizilien kreuz und quer - tutti frutti
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Sibylle Janssen
Siabella ...natürlich reisen!
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
TARUK: Kenia & Tansania - Masai Mara und Serengeti
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Honigbiene und deren Verwandte
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Horst Schäfer
1. Vorsitzender, Kreisimkerverein Hannover
Garden Forum
Hall 22, booth A02
Die neuen Alpenperlen Südtirol und Kärnten mit UKS Touristik erleben. Ab Mai vom Hannover Airport.
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Michael Siegl
UKS Touristik GmbH & Co. KG
The ABF Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth D60
TARUK: Namibia - Von Fischfluss-Canyon bis Etosha-Pfanne
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Yukon: Adventures under the Midnight sun and aurora borealis
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Get Your Kicks: 99 years of travelling on Route 66
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Maßnahmen zur Wertsteigerung: so bleibt Ihre Immobilie zukunftssicher
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
Jannis Mischke
Forum Living & Energy
Hall 23, booth E76
TARUK: Australien - Einmalige Traumzeit Down Under
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Insta vs. Real Vanlife - Wie lebt es sich on the Road?
Topic: Vanlife
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
Bratwurst board with Canadian bison sausages
Topic: B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden)
BBQ Tina
Grill Show
Hall 22, booth F59
TARUK: Neuseeland - Landschaftsgenuss auf Nord- und Südinsel
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Welcome to Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
Explore Rocky Mountaineer in Canada and in the USA
Topic: Travel & Vacation
Canada Travel Forum
Hall 19, booth B94
TARUK: Brasilien - Amazonas, Pantanal, Iguazú und Rio de Janeiro
Topic: Travel & Vacation
The ABF Travel Forum
Convention area hall 19/20, Room Casablanca
Zwischen Fjord und Fjell - Vanlife auf den Lofoten, Vesterålen und Senja
Topic: Vanlife
Denis Schusdziarra
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
Mission to Marsh Umbau Update am Fahrzeug
Topic: Vanlife
Vanlife Stage incl. Workshops
Hall 25, booth E26
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